
Posts Tagged ‘tape ball’

Yesterday I woke up at 4.45am and worked from 5.15-10am. Then at 11 I went to Working Class Studio, and stayed there until 1ish, went to the library to do more Working Class stuff (Illustrator and Photoshop things- very technical for me, which is good) and went back to Working Class from 3-5 to put in 2 hours for my internship where I cut transparencies, moved boxes, and glued pieces of cardboard together.

When I got home, Working Class still seemed to be on my mind as I have a lot to do for that before Friday. So I was telling Kara all the things I had to do, and decided I would need to reclaim a silk screen so I could burn a new one for screen printing today. So that required me to take off a bunch of “blue tape” (aka the best tape in the world) from one of the screens off, so I can wash it out.

So by the end of it, I had this big ball of blue tape, and said to Kara, “I wonder if I throw this at the wall if it will stick.” So I threw the ball really hard at the wall, hoping it would stick, but it just bounced back.

We thought this was pretty fun, so we kept doing it for a little while, but then figured we should stop because we didn’t want to disturb our neighbors (or for them to think something bad was happening to us).

So then we started hitting it back and forth to each other in the little back room of our apartment. I was worried we were going to knock something over, so I suggested us going into the living room to play, but I somehow only made it through the doorway.

And then see what happened.

Here is the last part of our game, when we had gotten way better and you can understand more of the rules of “Tape Ball”.

We probably played for an hour. We kept thinking “who are we??!” because that was just a strange thing for us to do for so long. But it was fun.

We felt like Monica, Ross, and Joey in “The one with the ball.”

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