
Posts Tagged ‘fibers open studio night’

It’s true, I have been neglecting this blog like crazy. Oops.

I’ve been quite busy with a number of things over the past few weeks.

First update: the quilt is still not totally finished. It is PRACTICALLY finished, as I’m just sewing on the binding, and when that’s done I’ll post some process photos.

Second update: I just finished another project for Working Class Studio. It’s cute, although, I don’t know if they’re really going to go for it because it might not be that “Working Class”… but that’s okay with me. I really like it and may choose to do more of it. (P.S. I’ll post photos of the stuff I’m making for them once I’m allowed to post photos of them.)

Third (and final) update: This update is about Friday, February 12th. This was a crazy day.

Let me give you a little run down of what was happening that day-

Friday mornings is a leadership meeting at CSF (Christian Student Fellowship). Then after this I had to go work for 2 hours at Working Class Studio (just internship hours) and that evening was Fibers Open Studio as well as a Haiti Relief Concert at the CSF building. There was also another little surprise mixed in there that Kara and I mixed up a few weeks earlier that was supposed to be executed the night before, but due to weather problems, it was DELAYED until Friday at 5pm.

Before I get the surprise, I will tell you that I was working my face off the entire week to get my quilt done for Open Studio night. I was working like crazy on that quilt! Perhaps I will leave the explanation of that for when I actually post about the quilt, but I will tell you that it almost didn’t make it in there- and it wasn’t finished. It had been “quilted” (the 3 layers were put together) but it didn’t have binding on it yet. I’ll post a photo of how my dear roommate Kara beautifully displayed it in just a moment.

So, onto the surprise.

One of Kara and my dearest friends at SCAD, Joel Boyd, recently got married (November 21st, 2009) to his lovely Christina Muniz-Boyd. The catch is, Christina lives in Arkansas right now as she’s finishing up her degree, and Joel is living in Savannah while he’s finishing up his degree (but he’ll be done in 3 weeks- so it’s just 10 weeks that they are apart total).

Kara and I unfortunately missed their wedding because Kara was still in Europe touring Spain and Italy, and I had JUST gotten back into the US and was broke and exhausted so I didn’t make it out to Arkansas. And because we missed the wedding, we didn’t show up with a present. We were trying to think of what we could give them that they would want, and figured that it was probably frustrating that they got all of the fun gifts newlyweds get- pots and pans, bedding, cool electronics, a kitchen aid, etc- when they weren’t living together just yet to use them all. So we thought of the wonderful idea to buy Christina a plane ticket here to see Joel for either Valentines day weekend or the weekend of his birthday (which is this coming weekend). Then I called Will Mobley, another old dear friend, to see what he thought of the idea, because he too is from Arkansas & goes to SCAD and has been Joel’s bestie for ages. Will thought it was a great idea, but would be fun if we didn’t tell one of them that the other was coming. So we called Christina, told her we wanted to buy her a plane ticket for their wedding present to surprise Joel. And Christina, who always loves surprising Joel (because he’s just so easy to get) was all for it.

So we booked the ticket for her to come here on Thursday February 11th, and to leave on Monday, February 15th. But, when Thursday, February 11th came around, it was very snowy everywhere. Christina had to stop in Houston I believe, but her flight had been delayed in Little Rock for some un-weather related thing, which made her miss her connecting flight and had to spend the night in Houston (which ended up being all paid for which was good). So she was to arrive in Savannah at 5pm on Friday.

So when I went to Working Class Studio that day to work my hours, I was planning on being done around 4, and then would head to the airport to pick Christina up at 5. (And Fibers Open Studio started at 5.)

I sent Joel a text and asked him if he wanted to go to Open Studio with Kara and me when I got home from Working Class. He said he definitely would. Then I drove to the airport to pick up Christina, she and I then stopped by their hotel so she could check in, then went back to my apartment and I texted Joel and told him to come over and meet us  (Kara and me).

And here’s how that happened:

They were happy.

Then all 4 of us went over to Fibers Open Studio, and here are some photos I didn’t take, but stole from Kara:

Here’s my quilt- see? No binding. Displayed as “in progress”.

Crazy amazing beaded necklaces. Left is by the amazingly talented Ashley Seghezzi and on the right is Megan Cheney.

Lexi with some of her drawings from Lacoste.

Brenda Aguilar’s beautifully woven place mats from her intro to Weaving final!

(I love that Brenda’s a fibers major now.)

So that’s a little bit of open studio, but really, the place was packed and looked beautiful. There was a lot of really awesome stuff to see.

After this we headed over to the CSF building for the “Love for Haiti” benefit concert with Bill Mallonee. He was good.

But,  the highlight of this day was not in any of the activities or things that happened above. No. No way. There was a much better thing that happened, and I still am in awe that it actually did.

Yeah. YEAH!!!!! It snowed in Savannah!!!!!!!!

It was truly incredible, and somewhat made my life complete in a new way. I mean, not really. But I’ve never seen snow in a place that I’ve lived before, and it was completely wonderful.

It only lasted for maybe an hour or so, and was I guess around an inch, but it was so exciting. So so exciting. I’m so glad it happened.

And that was it. It was  a wonderful day. Everyone ended very happy and tired from all of the insane things that happened.

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